The history of Tarot as an oracle is currently attributed to Italy in the 1400’s. It appears that Qabalah was first associated with Tarot through the work of Eliphas Levi in 1856, where he wrote of the correspondence between the Tarot symbols and the 22 Letters of the Hebrew alphabet. When it comes to Tarot, to Qabalah, there is no need to define specifics in terms of His-Story. Interpretation of Waveform is what a translative activity such as Tarot embodies. She, the Great Dark Goddess of Blind Vision, does not care about “Facts” such as these. So, let’s move on now…

There are so many ways to translate sacred symbols, cosmic events, life happenings —— The Tarot is just one. The Beauty of this method is that it is rooted within our subconscious as Image, Symbol, the first language of Humanity. Symbols are imprinted on our DNA. They wake our Instinct. They rouse our Ancestors. They resurrect our Dead Dreams, return our Lost Hope, and rebuild our Faith in Ancient forms of consciousness. They release us from Bonds we cannot put into words. They give us a Light in the Darkest moments of our Lives.

A modern deck consists of 3 types of cards: The Trumps (22 Major Arcana = Universal Archetypes), the Suites (4 Elements x 4 Royals = 16 Directional/Archangelic Keys), & The Pips (40 Time-Based Keys).

When you encounter the Tarot, ask the Keys/Energetic Consciousness, what do I need right now?

  • A simple translation of this moment? …Seek a Card Read. I’d be happy to provide one for you. Contact me at to schedule. Or purchase a session directly by clicking here: A 30 minute read is $30.

  • A deeper understanding of myself? …Read a guidebook on Tarot, such as “78 Days Around the Tarot” by Marcus Katz, or “The Cube of Space” by Kevin Townley.

  • Self-Realization? …Enroll as a Life student on the path of Holy Qabalah with the Builders of the Adytum at